Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dan's army list

Dan's 2000 Point Daemonhunter Army HQ:

Lord torquemada Coteaz 185

and his retinue:

4 acolytes w/ artificier armour  62

4 warriors 2 cc servitors, 1 heavy bolter servitor  95

and 1 veteran with melta gun

1 mystic 6

Total squad points 348

BrotherCaptain stern w/5man retinuew/psycannon 442

Total HQ: 790


1 Vindicare assassin 110

1 callidus assassin 120

inq.w/ MC forcesword, boltpistol, artificier armour 91

retinue:1 acolyte in artificier armour 31

and 1 hierophant

Total elites 352


6 grey knights 1 psycannon 1 incinerator w/rhino 183

the squad also has melta-bombs

Rhino w/ blessed + extra armour and smoke launchers

6 grey knights 2 psycannons 175

10 storm troopers 1 flamer and 1 grenade launcher 221

The veteran is equipped with a power sword and hellpistol

the squad has 1 chimera transport w/ multi laser and heavy bolter

total troops 579

Heavy support:

GK dreadnought w/multi melta and blessed armour  120

GK Land raider crusader 255

Total force points 2096

Please comment

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hiatus: an interruption in time or continuity : break ; especially : a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted hiatusfrom writing>

I'm back from my hiatus from Warhammer 40k.  I am going to continue doing grey knights but better!  I recently painted two new ones and am making a bunch of terrain for my table.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cities of death

I was wondering if anyone has any tips on building a cities of death table. this is mine and I'll put up a video of it later

My Grey Knights (2)

This is the first grey knight that I have finished(I know it is bad but I'm only thirteen) and on his shoulder pad it says STERN because I wanted it to either be a pre-heresy brother captain stern or a son or clone of Stern.(by the way on the justicar's shoulder pad right below this post it says ORION like in greek mythology.)Tips are welcome and heck, so is praise and criticism.

my grey knights

this is the second grey knight that I have painted.
Sorry for the poor picture quality. It is a justicar that I have decided to put the scythe thing on because it seemed more fitting than the sword. I put text scribbles on his apron thing because I thought that it looked cooler than not having anything written.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi! My name is Daniel I am 13 years old and I am starting a daemonhunters army and I wanted to document it.