Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dan's army list

Dan's 2000 Point Daemonhunter Army HQ:

Lord torquemada Coteaz 185

and his retinue:

4 acolytes w/ artificier armour  62

4 warriors 2 cc servitors, 1 heavy bolter servitor  95

and 1 veteran with melta gun

1 mystic 6

Total squad points 348

BrotherCaptain stern w/5man retinuew/psycannon 442

Total HQ: 790


1 Vindicare assassin 110

1 callidus assassin 120

inq.w/ MC forcesword, boltpistol, artificier armour 91

retinue:1 acolyte in artificier armour 31

and 1 hierophant

Total elites 352


6 grey knights 1 psycannon 1 incinerator w/rhino 183

the squad also has melta-bombs

Rhino w/ blessed + extra armour and smoke launchers

6 grey knights 2 psycannons 175

10 storm troopers 1 flamer and 1 grenade launcher 221

The veteran is equipped with a power sword and hellpistol

the squad has 1 chimera transport w/ multi laser and heavy bolter

total troops 579

Heavy support:

GK dreadnought w/multi melta and blessed armour  120

GK Land raider crusader 255

Total force points 2096

Please comment

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Hiatus: an interruption in time or continuity : break ; especially : a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted hiatusfrom writing>

I'm back from my hiatus from Warhammer 40k.  I am going to continue doing grey knights but better!  I recently painted two new ones and am making a bunch of terrain for my table.